Scope of Papers
(Only accepted and presented papers will be considered for publication in conference proceedings indexed by Web of Science/Scopus/UGC, with assigned ISBNs and DOIs..)
- Industry 5.0 and Metaverse
- Aritificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Generative AI Technologies
- IoT and Sustainable Computing
- Cyber Security and Block Chain Technologies
- Biomedical, Biomedical Instruments, Bioinformatics
- Cognitive Radio Networks, Cognitive and Edge Computing
- Computer Vision and Applications
- Data Mining, Data Science and Big Data Analytics
- Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Futuristic Computing including Quantum and DNA Computing
- Geographical Information System, Green Computing, High Performance Computing, Human Centric IoT
- Imaging and Visualization Devices AR/VR/MR, Image, Speech and Video Processing, Internet of Things, IoT Modelling and Model Checking, IoT Security, IoT and Smart Sensor Networking
- Multimedia Processing, Natural Language Processing, Networking Security, Optimization Techniques, Pattern Recognition, Quantum Computing, Reconfigurable Computing, Robotic Process Automation, Satellite Image compression & Authentication, Social Networking and Social Media Security, Software Engineering Management, Space Technology and ICT, Synthetic Aperture Radar imaging
- VLSI for Machine Learning, VLSI for Signal Processing
- Web Intelligence
- Civil and Structural Engineering
- Communication Systems and Smart Applications
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering – Power Systems, Power Electronics, Embedded Systems, IoT, Soft Computing
- Management, Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Representation, Marketing, Finance, Accounting